Sunday, December 2, 2007

We had PvP training again on Saturday,but I missed the first part of it...

I joined for the GvG and the last 1v1s and some extra for-fun stuff.

Something new in this week's GvG,so to speak. We had a GE PVP version of Survivor; Callisto, Graywolf and Clovisa on on one team, 9 of us in the other team. I can't remember exactly who was there, but I remember Inazuki, Yumeno, Strikov, XxOptimusPrimexX...and then my memory phails me.


You'd think we,with greater numbers, would be voctorious.

You'd be wrong.

Although they were but three families, all three are seasoned players, all geared in elites with excellent stats.

We rushed straight into the fray, hoping that our sheer numbers could overcome the scouts and pierce the fighter's armor.

We forgot the spellcasters.

Graywolf had his M'Boma fly straight in and HoD'd the lot of us,with more AoEs flooding the arena with red casting circles. My team consisted of my Fighter(Veteran), my Scout(45) and my Sage(72).

Needless to say, my scout and sage were taken out as soon as the first AoE was cast. All around me my teammates were overrun, outmaneuvered,and overpowered. Soon, almost our whole team was defeated. After about 10 seconds of pain, my fighter along with the remaining survivors ran like hell,trying to avoid the Attackers team...

I witnessed some of the last warriors fall; Inazuki, who had run past me, ran headlong into an Attacker. He was quickly overpowered, and I only just managed to escape.

After running for a few seconds Callisto and Graywolf spotted me and started chasing me. To be honest, the elementalist chasing me scared me more than a Math lecture.

His movement speed was higher than mine, so after a long chase Callisto managed to take out my fighter.

Little did they expect I had a surprise for them.

While dead Yumeno's Bernelli ran past, the last survivor on his team. He drew the attention of Clovisa and Graywolf and was promptly hunted down and defeated...but not before my Scout auto-ressed.

This was the trump card I never expected to have.

Thankfully, noone had realised this and I managed to ressurect my fighter and rebuff him for extra speed. The attackers were stumped; they had no idea who had ressed and how they had ressed. They went around checking the bodies, making sure the dead were really dead.

After a few moments of agonising bodysearching they realised I was the sole survivor...but how? They had managed to kill my fighter, why was he still running around.

I unveiled my trump card, and the response was...


All's fair in love and war.

I started running around again, but my scout couldn't keep up. After I was found my scout was defeated and my fighter was left running around for dear life. Graywolf's M'Boma was the only one out of the ones chasing me who could even come close, but when he had to stop and cast a spell, my fighter managed to escape the AoE. Callisto wasn't chasing me I think, only Clovisa and Graywolf. My movement speed was equal to,if not slightly faster, than theirs, hence the wild goose chase. We lost the matched, but I survived.

The next GvGs weren't as memorable, as they ended fairly quickly. My reflexes weren't fast enough to avoid the AoEs and Zeniths, hence my early demise. Something, to note though, Yumeno was the sole survivor in the second GvG...simply because of Invisible Stalker.

One of the matches had my fighter getting ganked by about 3 families. I could have survived, had I been using a defensive stance like High Guard, but sadly I was using Sidewinder.

After the official matches me, Yumeno, SilentWave and Phoenix had a small battle of our own.

I have only one comment.

Most wizard/M'Boma/ETS users think they're invincible against a fighter as they believe the fighter cannot hit airborne targets.

That's 'cuz they think we stick to High Guard, Back Guard, Stave Guard. They underestimate the power of Advanced Garde.

Its been proven. I've dueled several players, and those using wizzies generally underestimate my fighter. They receive a nasty shock when the seemingly land-bound fighter suddenly unleashes a barrage of gunshots and finish off the last of their HP with a savage uppercut-slash.

Wizard users, fear this skill: Entrer en Lices.

Hesperia dueled me before and I pulled it off while he was running; all three of his characters took the full blast of my attack and hit the floor. Same thing happened for Phoenix. At first he was doing OK, but he started running after I tried to kill his Bernelli. I chased him down and killed his dual-Sage with Entrer en Lices.

Yumeno is growing to be a dangerous duelist. His team is constantly underestimated as their HP is quite low, but he is used to his team. He knows his characters like the back of his hand, and already has many tricks up his sleeve. Having dueled him myself, I know his prowess. He is constantly improving, and I shudder to think how strong he will become when he hits veteran and gets elites.

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